Ariadne Artiles

Name: Ariadne Artiles Cardenosa

Born: 1982 (Canary Islands, Spain)

Birthday: 18 January

Nationality: Spanish

The model, designer, blogger and businesswoman was born in the Carnary Islands. She has two sisters and a brother. Her sister Aida is also a model.

Ariadne won the Spanish Look of the Year contest in 1995 but the bikini and lingerie model became known for her appearances in Elle magazine. She's also appeared in known publications such as GQ, Grazia, and Cosmopolitan.

Before her career she has learned psychology but hasn't finished her studies.

Adriadne adores cooking and watching cooking shows as well. At weekends she usually prepares the foods she has seen on TV. Her specialities are gazpacho and guacamole. Her favourite food is Canarian wrinkly potatoes (papas arrugás con mojo).

She started to practice yoga and pilates because of her backache. Health is one of the most important thing in her life. She loves sports, adores the sea, her friends, family and travelling. During her holidays she usually surfs or walks on the beach and never can be seen laying on a towel.

The sensitive-minded lady started to feel herseft a real woman at age 30.

She has a great many of shoes. She prefers wearing boots and leather coat.

She was married to Fonsi Nieto, former motorcycle racer, from 2005 to 2008. She has a daughter with José María García Fraile.