Karmen Pedaru

Name: Karmen Pedaru

Born: 1990 (Kehra, Estonia)

Birthday: 10 May

Nationality: Estonian

Her mother died when she was five so was raised by her grandmother. She plays basketball, association football, and handball. Karmen played as a goalkeeper for 6 years and she was well-built back then. She played goalkeeper on Estonia's national U-19 football team for a year before she quit to start modeling.

Above these she likes running, doing water sports and playing tennis but also fascianted by ballet.

She considers herself a relaxed, clean, comfortable, timeless woman.

"- Name one natural talent you wish you had.

 - To be able to sing."

She was discovered in 2005 in Draamateater theater in Tallinn when went to see a play with her grandmother.


She married Riccardo Ruini her longtime boyfriend in 2012. 

Her favourite foods are McDonald's burgers, pizza and pasta.