Natalia Vodianova

Name: Natalia Mikhailovna Vodianova

Born: 1982 (Gorky, Soviet Union)
(now Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Birthday: 28 February

Nationality: Russian

She is well known for her rags to riches life story. The model, philanthropist grew up in a poor family so she helped her mother to sell fruit at market and later set up her own fruit stand. The russian model has two sisters and the younger one suffers from cerebral palsy and autism. She was 16 when enrolled in a modeling agency in Russia. Natalia was married to British aristocrat Justin Portman for 9 years and became the only woman in the Portman family who worked for money. They have three children - Lucas, Neva and Viktor. After the divorce she began dating billionaire Antoine Arnault. The couple has welcomed two sons. 

She social activist founded the charity to help children “Naked Hearts” in 2004 and  invested in the start-up app, which helps with tracking fertility and contraception.

Natalia starred in the films “Clash of the Titans” (2010) and “Belle du Seigneur” (2012). She was the face of the Sochi 2014 Olympics as well and an ambassador of the Paralympic Games in Sochi (2014).