Camille Hurel

Name: Camille Hurel

Born: 1998 (Paris, France)

Birthday: 7 February

Nationality: French

After a coveted debut at Givenchy's autumn/winter 2015 show, Camille had strolled in 52 shows during the S/S 2017 season. Originally she wanted to learn art history or law, but instead of that she has walked the runway for Dior, Valentino, Versace, Alberta Ferretti and Versace etc. She has appeared on's "Hot List" in 2018.

In her free time, Camille likes running, painting, drawing and taking trips into the night life with her friends. She loves classic horror movies like “The Shining” – modern variants are simply not done so well.

She adores coffee, drinks several ones a day and loves Mediterranean food. Her favourite foods are flan or salmon, sardines and octopus with feta and tomatoes.

She reads a lot of Scandinavian thrillers but also loves crime novels from Pierre Lemaitre, classical romance, and Not that kind of girl by Lena Dunham

Camille has a kind of pidgeon phobia.

Her mantra is:

"Fight for what you want, respect yourself and respect others."