Kristy Hume

Name: Kirsty Hume

Born: 1976 (Ayrshire, Scotland)

Birthday: 4 September

Nationality: Scottish

When she was 14, her mother, Jane died of cancer. Kristy was raised by many of her relatives. Her brother, Elliot, died in 2016, aged 50.

She modeled for all leading designers and brands, like Chanel, Dior, Prada, Donna Karan, Victoria Secret and frequently appeared on the covers of Harper's Bazaar (one was photographed by Patrick Demarchelier), as well as Vogue, W and other publications.

Kristy was in the interactive fashion art film of Imagine Fashion Decadent Control.

Kirsty studied painting and paganism but she loves  drawing as well. She is fond of wearing flip flops and Birkenstocks.

She once told a reporter that the best part of her job was the money.

Kirsty married rocker, actor and former model Donovan Leitch, Jr. in 1997. After getting married, they drove all around Bali in a jeep, but they divorced in 2014. The couple has a daughter named Violet (2004).

She's planning to move back to Scotland where her dad Russ and family still live.

“I’ve always missed Scotland. I grew up on the beach. I miss the cold, fresh air and the wind."