Bar Refaeli

Name: Bar Refaeli בר רפאלי

Born: 1985 (Hod HaSharon, Israel)

Birthday: 4 June

Nationality: Israeli

Her grandparents were immigrants from Europe and of Italian-Jewish, Lithuanian-Jewish, and Polish-Jewish descent. The model, television host, actress, and business - woman  began modeling at the age of eight months. In 2000 an Israeli fashion awards ceremony awarded her "Model of the Year".

Bar once dated Baywatch actor David Charvet. In 2005, she began a relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio which ended in 2009.

She married to Israeli businessman Adi Ezra in  2015. She has said she plans to raise "a big Jewish family" with him. 

She said in an interview

"I like to be with my friends, family and make people happy'

"The perfect night means being with the family, my dogs, eating barbecue and drinking beer."

She is interested in psychology, philosophy, like chatting to people and claims that she is and ordinary common girl without make-up.