Toni Garrn

Name: Antonia Garrn

Born: 1992 (Hamburg, Germany)

Birthday: 7 July

Nationality: German

Toni was born into the family of an oilman and a businesswoman. She plays the piano and flute. She tries to play Beethoven's sonata at every opportunity and misses piano from hotels :).

Toni was always fond of sports so was discovered during the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Hamburg. Her older brother, Niklas, is also a model.

She is in love with Africa from her early childhood and supports it through charity organizations. Moreover, all the income from the sale of her own clothing line is sent to Africa.

Toni likes to eats chocolate on the treadmill. She listens to house music to sleep when she is on planes.

She has been in relationship with Leonardo Dicaprio for about 1,5 years since 2013.

She loves social networks. She posts a lot about her friends, family and work but never even talk about her personal life.  She always tries to show the backstage the hard work behind being a successful model throughout her photos.