Valentina Zelyaeva

Name: Valentina Zelyaeva

Born: 1982 (Ulan-Ude, Soviet Union)

Birthday: 11 October

Nationality: Russain

Growing up, she wanted to become a flight attendant. At age 16, her friends took her to the Elite Model Look competition. She didn’t take any place, but her two friends won. Anyway a scouting agent from Tokyo discovered her so her modeling career started in Japan.

She spent every summer vacation in Siberia at her grandparents’ home so she is connected to nature since then.

Valentina is an engaged devotee of organic lifestyle, wellness, and raw food diet. She regularly does pilates and yoga to stay fit.

Being a very disciplined person she follows her own daily schedule including sleeping, eating and exercising routines.

She has a place in New York and Miami Beach as well. She relaxes there with candles, live flowers from farmers market and her cats (one of them was adopted from a vet hospital).

Her hobbies are reading inspirational books, searching the internet for more info on raw food and a healthy lifestyle, skiing, wake-boarding, capoeira, cooking, creating new smoothies and juice recipes, watching movies on Netflix.



  • Animal: Siberian Tiger
  • Color: White, green.
  • Fruit: Persimmons
  • Travel: Caribbean Islands & Brasil. 
  • Movie: Documentary “Food Matters”
  • Song: “Coming Back” by Citizen Cope
  • Inspiring person: Dalai Lama

She vocally opposed the Milan Fashion Week's practice of preventing appearances by too-thin models.

She has been the face of Ralph Lauren for over a decade.

She is in relationship for more than 6 years.


“When I have a day off, I use it as much as I possibly can! For instance, I organize my desk, my closet, and old stuff that has been lying around that I haven’t decided what to do with. I also use my day off to take care of myself – pedicure, manicure, massage, and facials are involved. I check my fridge and see if I need to make a trip to the farmers market to buy fresh, local produce.”